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What is Snap It!™?
Snap It!™ is a special, affordable new treatment that can replace your missing teeth in a snap! Many people are missing one or more back teeth, and now there is a solution for easily and comfortably replacing these teeth. Snap It! is a thin, natural-looking appliance that is designed to fit over your remaining teeth and replace one or more missing teeth, especially back teeth. Snap It! in Glendale, California, requires no drilling, no shots, and no adhesives. You will no longer need to worry about uncomfortable partial dentures or flippers.
Do I need Snap It!?
Snap It! may be a good option for restoring your smile if you are missing one more back teeth. Snap It! is comfortable, flexible, and natural looking. You can easily eat and drink while wearing your Snap It!, and it is custom made to fit your smile, so you can rest assured that it will not come loose or cause discomfort while eating. Snap It! can be a temporary or permanent solution for replacing your missing teeth. We invite you to contact our friendly dentists at Fresh Coast Family Dental to learn more about the advantages of Snap It! Call us today at 818-502-1991.